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There are many interpretations of what Umwelt is.
It losely translates to enviroment. But there is much more to it. From phylosophy to biology holds a multitude of meanings.
For us it’s about what we percive of the world around us through our own unique lens.
More importantly it’s being aware of our limited Umwelt to recognize the limitless reality.

If we were born blind we wouldn’t know what to see would feel like.
We were born with a weak sense of smell compared to a dog but we do not feel the lack of it.
We can percive a very tiny slice of the whole electromagnetic spectrum but that seems everything to us.
And we belive it’s all is out there.
Everything is filtered through our own Umwelt.
There are infinite realities we can’t even image. Infinite Umwelten.
But we can try.
We can do an imagination effort and investigate with curiosity what’s other than us. We like to do so going for walks and stopping to observe.
A colony of lichens, a leaf, a worm, a dry moss.


What is important to them?
How would it feel to be them?

There are no many straight answers but there is a lot of learning in trying to answer those questions. And lot of more questions that arise.

We can do the same approaching other humans:
What is important to you?
How does it feel to be you?